Panther Mystery
I hope everyone has enjoyed their Christmas break and is looking forward to the New Year! We will start the New Year back at school with the Panther Mystery. Here is just a little recap of what is going to happen - on Monday - we will share a video on Facebook of our Panther mascot being kidnapped and encouraging kids to hurry and get back to school on Wednesday to help us solve the Panther Mystery. When you see the video on Facebook - please share it. Then fast forward to Wednesday morning at assembly. We will probably show the video again to those who may not have seen it but then reveal that the Panther has been returned but locked up in a cage. The keys are hidden around the school and the students will have to work during the day to find them. As the classroom teacher - you need to have a way for students to find their key(you hide it where you want) - you decide how that will be. (Your keys that you will need to hide will be placed in your mailbox on Monday.) Then about 1:45 on Wednesday afternoon - we will have everyone come back to the gym with their keys and unleash the Panther! Hopefully this will get kids excited about coming back to school!
Next Week at a Glance...
Wednesday - post 2nd nine weeks grades today
Thursday - Report cards go home
1:45 - Spring Panther Time planning meeting (for staff who teach Panther Time)
Friday - Lunch trip for students who met their attendance goal
Looking forward to the spring semester!