Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017

3rd round of STAR data!

Boom!  We are still meeting our goal - right on the money!  Seventy-five percent of CCES students are reading on grade level or making 0.6 years growth since August!

Here is also a look at our scores compared to last year:

Test 3 - Current Year Test 3  -  last year
kindergarten 88% 63%
1st 63% 60%
2nd 88% 80%
3rd 75% 71%
4th 64% 67%
5th 73% 72%
75% 69%
Things are moving in the right direction.  Keep doing what you know works - Lexia and Reading Plus weekly, encourage AR and the vocabulary tests that goes with it, and solid reading instruction every week.  We know that as our students become better readers - they will improve in every subject area.  

Way to go CCES teachers - your hard work is paying off!

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