Friday, September 25, 2020

Weekly Update - September 25th, 2020

It is so hard to believe that we are one week away from fall break.  This first nine weeks has flown by.  It has been a great few weeks of in-person school even though it has been so different than anything we have experienced in the past.  As crazy as it seems  - school seems pretty normal right now.   

As with almost anything in life, we can choose to look at the positive or negative.  We can focus on the fact that we have to wear masks, take temps, regulate how far kids are standing apart, balance in-person and VIP, and the list goes.

OR  - we can focus on the positive.  We have kids that are extremely happy to be at school, class sizes are significantly smaller than they have ever been, we have fewer discipline problems, we are connecting with students on a whole new level, we have had 0 cases of Covid-19 after several weeks of in-person instruction, and that list goes on too.

Even when life is can still be good.  It is up to us.  



-Please complete MAP testing for all in-person students before fall break.

-Don't forget our Retirement Celebration for Mrs. Emily at 315 in the library.

-Next Thursday will be our Panther Store for August and September.  Remember to have students count how many Panther Bucks they have as of Wednesday afternoon.  The Panther Store will be in the library and open at 8 am on Thursday.  Teachers can bring their class or they can take students orders and go get the things for them.  We will have it set up but only have one staff member in there working the store all day.  Teachers will need to collect the bucks and help the students get their items at the store.

  • Students should not touch items at the store.  They will only pick up the items they are purchasing.
  • Remember to have students buy big ticket items and not just buy several $1 and $2 dollar things - we don't have the inventory for that.  
  • I am attaching the slideshow that has the items we have.  Please share that with your students.  
  • Please sign up for the time you want to come or bring your class.  The 2nd slide on the slideshow has the sign-up.  
-Tuesday and Thursday we will be having our Fall Parent/Teacher conferences.  I will be sending out locations for all non-homeroom staff on Monday.  Each night it will be from 3:30-6:30.  

Friday, September 18, 2020

Weekly Update - September 18, 2020


We ask that each grade level complete MAP testing with their in-person students sometime during the next couple of weeks - before fall break.  The window is open and everything should be set to go for that testing.  MAP testing is another piece of data to use to gauge how a student is performing.  It is also a requirement for us to give a universal screener as part of our reading and math grants from the state.  Please encourage students to work hard and do their best!

  • Please submit the No Internet list on this sheet by Monday afternoon.  
  • If you are supposed to be evaluated this first window - please schedule that first observation with Mrs. Valerie or Mrs. Lisa.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend!  The weather is going to be perfect!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Weekly Update - September 11, 2020


There is so much we are learning and adjusting to with this virus. Information about this virus has been made very public and the line between what can be shared and what can't be shared may be hard to see.  Please remember that any information about a student's health (symptoms, diagnosis, etc) is private information under HIPAA.   If a parent gives you information about their child's health - please don't share that with anyone who doesn't have a need to know.  Also - please understand that the nurse isn't allowed to give out information either.  A nurse who discloses that information could lose their nursing licenses.

Homeroom teachers - please go back in your IC attendance to the first day of in-person classes and mark your VIP students as participating.  If there is a student that has not done any work for a particular day, then mark them as not participating. 


Please remember to put in a lunch/breakfast count each day.  Also make sure that students need to take the lunch they ordered and not change their mind when they get to the room.


Please remember to get your dairy products from the cafeteria cooler if you haven't already done so.  There is a food truck coming in Monday and there won't be room in there.


Please take the One School One Book survey if you haven't already done so.    

*SBDM meeting at 4 pm on Monday in library.
*RTA/MAF meeting at 3:15  on Tuesday.  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

CCES Weeky Update - September 3, 2020



Hopefully the changes that we are making to our virtual program are being beneficial to everyone involved.  This week has been a sort of "change over" week so hopefully next week it will be in full implementation.  Feedback from parents shows that they find the teacher videos to be extremely beneficial for the students.  I had conversation with several teachers yesterday and asked them to share with their grade level team members.  We would like to continue with the teacher video to some degree.  I am asking that each teacher submit one video per week for their content area.  For each grade level, that will be a total of three or four videos.  This should be an instructional video that either previews or reviews the learning for the week and should align with the content they are receiving through their VIP lessons.  We would like each video to be submitted on a different day.  My understanding is that all teachers are still teachers in the VIP Google Classroom so each one should be able to submit their own video.  If you have questions - please let me know.  And - thank you for being so flexible as we are building this plane. 

The Leadership Team meeting met on Wednesday and discussed the following:

1.  We are going to ask Kona Ice to come back once per month. I'll send a schedule as soon as I have it.

2.  Panther Cards - we are going to see the Panther cards as a fall fundraiser.  We usually sell those in the spring but didn't this past year.  Details will be coming soon.

3. Leader of the Month - it was decided to continue doing Leader of the Month but let each teacher choose their own along with their own criteria for selecting the leader.  Each teacher can reward their student in their classroom.  We will recognize the Leaders of the Month on the last Friday of each month at our morning meeting.  There will be a slide for you to add yours to.  We will do it for the first time on September 25th.  If you selected one for August - you can also recognize them as well.

4.  Panther Bucks - we want to implement our Panther Buck system again this year.  If you are new to CCES and don't know about this - ask your mentor or one of your team members.  Students earn $1 for each green day, $0 for yellow and lose a $1 for red.  We will do the Panther Store on October 1st.  

5.  Morning Assembly - please update the morning slides.  We are going to be recognizing students each day.

6.  House - we are postponing all house/pod activities for this year and hope we can pick up next year.

7.  We are going to do Spirit Week September thru Oct 2nd.  Andrea sent info out earlier about that.  

*Summer readers are receiving book fair gift certificates - they should be in your mailbox
*Library Coloring contest sheets will be in homeroom teachers mailboxes by tomorrow afternoon.  

Tuesday, September 8th 3:15/library - RTA/MAF meeting - calendar invite has been sent 

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...