Thursday, August 27, 2020

Friday Focus - August 28, 2020


It has been a great week for our first few days of in-person learning.  Thank you for working hard to make it good for our students!  

-Please make sure all students take the STAR test.  We will use that to set AR goals for the first nine weeks.

-Next week we will be making the change with our VIP program.  Homeroom teachers please remember to keep contact with your VIP students.  Mrs. Kelli will be giving you weekly updates.

We know that cases are rising and we want to do the best we can to help stop the spread.  Please remember this with co-workers - as well as students.  I think we are taking all precautions to social distance with students.  As you are having lunch  or planning with co-workers - remember the rule of 6 ft - especially for anything over a few minutes.  

*Leadership Team meeting in the library next Wednesday at 3:15 pm!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...