Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday April 24th Update

Hey guys!  I hope things are going well for you as we continue on with this. There are some important things we need to do to begin to wrap this year up.  Please read and attend to these matters.

1.  I would like for all homeroom teachers to do a Google Meet with your homeroom sometime during the week of May 11th - 15th.  This can serve as a wrap-up for the year.  You will probably want to do some recognitions for the year.  I know a lot of you do cute little character awards normally - this would be a great time to do that.  Be creative and make it fun for all.  Not all will attend - but it will be memorable for those that do.  

2. Homeroom teachers - please bag up all student belongings that are in your classroom. Just use Wal-mart plastic bags from home and attach a full sheet of copy paper with the student's name on the bag.  These need to be easy to read so we can find them quickly. Bring those bags to the gym.  I will have a designated spot for each grade level to put their bags in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.  All bags need to be in the gym by Thursday, April 30th.  

3.  On Friday, May 1st we are going to have a pick-up day for parents to come pick up their child's belongings.  We will post details on FB and I'll send out to you for you to put on Remind. Basically parents will pull up to gym gate, we will radio inside the names of the student and runners will bring the bags out to the car.  We are going to do this from 8-4.  I am asking special class, special education, intervention and instructional assistants to sign up to work a time slot to serve as runners on this day.  Here is the sign-up sheet.  

4.  We are going to ask for all SLED work to be turned in by May 5th.  We will put a post on FB but you can share with parents as well.  Homeroom teachers - please have your spreadsheet for SLED Days 5-30 complete and to Andrea and Valerie by Friday, May 8th so they can put those FP, PP and NP in IC.  

5.  Please have rooms cleaned out and ready for summer cleaning by Friday, May 8th.  Please have desks and chairs out in the hall.  

6.  If you find library books in your classroom - please take those to the library.  They are going to put a cart outside the library for those books.  

Please let me know if you have questions.  We are working to make this as smooth as possible!

Monday, April 13, 2020

SLED Day 19 - April 13th, 2020

I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break at home.  We are back to our SLED Days.  I think it is really important that we really communicate with students and families this week to get back working on SLED work.  It will be easy for them to slip away from doing it since we have been off for the week.  So please send Remind messages and do FB videos to get students geared back up to doing that SLED work again.  Continue doing all the great work you were doing that was above and beyond.  Make sure that if you share that on FB through a grade-level or classroom group - invite me to that group so I can see all that is going on.  

The district has used Title 1 money to purchase balls, board games, art supplies and other items that students can have at home.  We want to get these to some of our students we are worried about and those who may not have many activities at home.  

This week Valerie, Andrea and I are going to deliver a few items to these students.  We would like to check on these students each week with a home visit from some of us.  Here is the spreadsheet.  Please sign up for a couple of you to visit your students during the next few weeks.  This can be homeroom teachers, instructional assistants, special education teachers, special class teachers, etc.  

-Please go with someone -  don't go alone.  If you are not being with anyone outside of your home, it is okay for a spouse to ride with you.  You do what you feel is safe.  
-Stop by the central office and pick up a couple of items to take.  Don't take too much - we want to stretch out the items so we have reasons to go back each week.  Add on the spreadsheet what you take so that we don't duplicate items.  
-Don't go in the house and don't make physical contact.  It is always good to call before you go and let them know you are bringing them something.  We want to feel safe in doing this.  You can wear your masks and gloves if that makes you feel better.  
-If you have questions or need directions - let us know.


Also - now is a great time to get busy on your Google Certification- I know you all are excited!

Please continue to check email daily.  Michelle Cash is sending the info weekly about food deliveries.  

Also - plan for us to do a Google Hangouts meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm.  I will send an invitation with the code to join.   I have some info I want to share with you then about how we are going to proceed through the rest of the year.  

Thanks for all you are doing to make this work!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

SLED Day 18 & Spring Break

Well spring break is here!  I know this is not the usual feelings that accompany this time of year but I am thankful regardless.  These past three weeks have went well.  All our students seem to be adjusting.  Food distribution has went well and so many families have been helped with this service. You all have stepped up and adjusted to a new normal.

I know everyone is going to be super excited to expand your professional learning through Google!  That's right - we have a goal for everyone to complete their Google certification.  If you have never completed Level 1  - now is the time.  If you already have Level 1 - move on to Level 2.  Our goal is to have everyone complete this by the end of the school year.  

Here is the link to the site.  Go ahead and pay for the test when you get ready to take it.  Then email the receipt to Michelle or Jill and fill out the expense reimbursement form

When you get to the site - there are training exercises as well as practice exercises.  You do not have to complete all those but do what you need to do to feel comfortable taking the exam.  

Please don't worry about this over Spring Break.  I just wanted to let you know that is our goal for the year as people have asked about what they need to be doing at home.  I wanted to go ahead and get it out there for those who want to go ahead and get started.  


As we get SLED work turned in - I am bringing it in and spraying it with disinfectant and letting it sit for a few days.  I will then put it in your mailbox so by the time it gets to you - it should be germ free. 

Hope you enjoy your week.  Please continue to check email throughout the week as I am sure we will be sending info/updates about food distribution work and other things.  Have a great one!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...