Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday Night Live - January 18, 2020

Going to do one blog post for this short week ahead combined with the last week of January.  We have a lot going on during the next few days.

Best of luck to our Jr. Beta club as they travel to Louisville this week for the state convention.  A special shout-out to our awesome Beta sponsors who work tirelessly for months to prepare for this.  Can't wait to see how well they do.

Our school safety audit will be on Tuesday.  We will be sending out an email this weekend giving a specific schedule.  Parents, students and staff will be interviewed throughout the day.  This will give us solid feedback about how we can make our school campus safer.

I thought this was a really good chart to share with you that the central office created.  There is a printable copy here that you can print out and keep handy for your reference.  This is a great tool to use as you do your lesson planning.

Next Two Weeks at a Glance...
Tuesday 21st -      KCSS Safety Audit
                           1st grade Parent Night - if you need                                     planning hours let me know - this would                               be a great opportunity and we could use                             your help
Wednesday 22nd -Beta leaves for Louisville
Monday 27th -      Six week RTI meetings during planning.  
                           All RTI teachers will need to attend.  
                           Please bring student BEHAVIOR data as 
Tuesday 28th -     100th Day of School
Wednesday 29th - Action Team meetings at 3:15
Thursday 30th -    Circus Field trip for select students
Friday 31st  -        House meeting during the morning
                           1st Semester Vocabulary Party

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday Night Shout Out - January 12th, 2020

STAR scores for round 2 are shown above. Our goal for the year is to be at 80% of students on grade level or showing 1.2 years growth for the year.  Keep working!  Remember - there are so many things that we do every day to improve our students reading skills - Lexia, AR, daily reading instruction, vocabulary, etc.  It is good to remind students of why they do all those things - we want them to be better, stronger readers.  Students need to know the WHY!

We are in full swing of our PBIS reboot.  Charts are hung around the school, Panther Bucks are being given out, and we have our Minor Infraction Sheet ready to go.  We also have a small group of staff going to a training in Louisville this Thursday to learn more about how we can intervene with our Tier 2 and 3 behavior students.

We are not only asking you to change how you handle behavior in the classroom.  We are also working to improve how we handle behavior issues in the office.  We are trying to line the consequences up with the misbehavior when we can.  We are also changing afterschool detention so that students will receive instruction on how to improve their behavior - specific to behavior that landed them in ASD.  Hopefully all these efforts will result in improved student behavior, which in turn, results in more student learning.

*Remember to keep using the language around our anchor statement - PAWS.  This should be daily talk in our classrooms and common areas.
*If students are struggling to meet your expectations - PRACTICE!
*Special class teachers, special ed teachers, janitors, assistants, cafeteria staff - remember to pass out your Panther Bucks when you see behavior that exceeds your expectations.  

We will be having grade level PLC's on Tuesday of this week.  Please bring your strike chart and/or any tracking tool you use for student misbehavior.  We are going to start looking for hotspots.  Also - bring any work that you have done on your Project Based Learning unit to share with your team.  

Members from the Kentucky Center of School Safety will be here all day on Tuesday, January 21st.  They will spend the day touring the school as well as interviewing groups of staff, students and parents.  We will be sending out a schedule of those interviews sometime this week.  

Just a reminder to send parents a message about our Awards Day on Wednesday.  All parents in the grade level are invited to attend. They will enter and exit through the gym.  

We also have Book Fair in the library this week.  

This Week at a Glance...
MONDAY  -     1st day for 21st century
                     Student Lighthouse Meeting at noon
                     SBDM meeting at 4 pm
                     Open Library
TUESDAY -      PLC meetings
                     Lockdown Drill
WEDNESDAY - Awards Day during special class in the gym
                     Leadership Team meeting at 3:00

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday Night Shoutout

Here we go!  A full week of school is ahead of us.  We got off to a great start last week.  Everyone did a great job of practicing and teaching our new PAWS expectations - keep that up!  Remember - we don't want it to just be posters on our wall but truly how we deal with student behavior.  We will be having a PBIS team meeting tomorrow afternoon and I will update after that. 


As you can see, most of our percentages of proficient/distinguished are lingering around the 50% mark.  Of course, we want those higher than that.  The good news is that we took the test a few weeks earlier than we did last year so we have gained some time.  Just keep on keeping on in the classroom.  We will do our best to keep the calendar clear so that you can have as much time with instruction as possible.

Please add your leader of the month for December to this slide by Tuesday afternoon.  We will recognize them on Wednesday morning at assembly. 

There are a lot of germs floating around this time of the year.  Please help keep sickness away - remind students to wash their hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.  Also - keep hand sanitizer readily available.  Also - have a student clean desks, door knobs and other highly touched objects with disinfectant wipes.  If you need hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes - please let us know.

We will have our 2nd nine weeks awards ceremony on Wednesday, January 15th during special class time in the gym.  We will be giving out certificates for honor roll, perfect attendance and leaders of the month for Oct, Nov, and Dec.  The library will be doing certificates for Super Readers.  If there are any students you want recognized during this time, please get us that information.  Also - please share your grade level's specific time with parents through Remind.  

This Week at a Glance

PBIS team meeting at 3:00
Kona Ice Day  - schedule as usual
Reading Plus training at 2:45 in 2nd floor computer lab
Grade Level PLC's - please bring a device and MAP/STAR scores

Book Fair begins today

Have a great week!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...