As we start the new year, we are going to reboot our PBIS system for behavior. Above you will see our new expectation matrix. Please spend a sufficient amount of time during the next few days teaching and practicing these behaviors. Remember, PBIS is rooted in POSITIVE teaching and practice. It is about reinforcing good behavior and reteaching when our expectations are not met. This is for all areas and times of the school day. Think about a typical day for your classes. What are you not happy with? Think about how you want that to be and teach those procedures to your students. When they fail to meet those expectations, reteach and practice. I know that this may stress many of you out because it is taking time away from regular instruction. However, the time you gain later on will be worth it!
Here are some links to great resources as you are planning teaching those expecatations during the next few days: (This one is really good)
We are going to meet on Thursday afternoon to discuss more and go over next steps!
We will also be passing out Panther Bucks and posters for your classrooms. We also have a letter that will go home to all students on Thursday so parents will be aware of the changes we are making.
It is important that we do the MONTHLY BEHAVIOR CALENDARS each day. Have students mark their behavior as green, yellow or red and have a system in place to make sure this is being done correctly.
We will no longer be doing Panther Time. This will change Special Class teachers schedule. Their planning will be each afternoon from 1:45 until 2:30.
Special class teachers will be with their Literacy Block teacher from 7:35 until 8:10. They can help with homeroom duties so that Literacy Block can begin sooner.
At 8:10, the special class teachers will rotate to help in other classrooms one day each week. Here is the schedule:
Monday - 1st grade
Tuesday - 2nd grade
Wednesday - 3rd grade
Thursday - 4th grade
Friday - 5th grade
Please have a plan of what you would like this person to do each time they come to your classroom. They can pull students, man a center or station, provide accommodations for 504/special ed, etc. They will let you know ahead of time of that can't be there for some reason. Hopefully having an extra person in your classroom for this period of time will be helpful for you and your students.
***Don't forget - report cards go home on Thursday as well!
Enjoy your last couple of days and see you on Thursday!