Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday Focus - January 25th, 2019

This Thursday night will be our Student-Led conference night.  Each grade level should be prepared to have students discuss their learning goals/leadership notebook with their parents.  This will be the main focus of the evening.  The book fair and Panther Emporium will also be in the library.  Michelle Bell will be having an activity room for preschoolers as well.  Parents and students will sign-in at the front by houses - there is no need for them to sign in at your classroom.  We will also have pizza and drinks in the cafeteria.  Please make sure parents are aware of this event - we want to have good attendance.


 We are ordering poster ink and paper for the third time this year.  We want you to use our poster machine.  Just please be conscientious about what you choose to make into a poster - due to the high cost of the ink and paper.  If it is going to be used long-term - then that is great.  If it is only going to be used for a short-while and can't be saved for future years - this probably doesn't need to be made into a poster.  Our poster costs have been over $600 in the past couple of months.  

*Map testing continues next week
**Book Fair 
***School-wide job applications are being taken this week as well as applications for Show Your Voice

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - Super Reader practice at 1:45
Tuesday - Super Reader ballgame - be there at 6:10 for super readers
Wednesday - 100th Day of School
Thursday - Family Learning Night at 4-6 pm

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wow It's Wednesday - January 16, 2019

Louisville Bound - Good luck to our CCES Beta students and sponsors as they go compete this week!  

Bathroom Spruce Up project this weekend!  Judging will take place on Tuesday.  

Just a reminder about SLED day requirements - just in case we were to get one soon :)

1.  Teachers/instructional assistants must complete the book study from Teach Like a Pirate.  Here is a link to the slideshow that contains the discussion questions:  Teach Like a Pirate SlideshowThe answers to those questions need to be typed on a Google Doc and put in the folder on the team drive CCES - SLED Days 2018-19.
2.  Communicate with your parents on the SLED day.  Send out remind messages, put on facebook - we can't communicate too much.  Also - please make at least 5 personal positive contacts with parents.
3.  Remember these days count as work days for us - even though we don't have to report to school.  Some districts require their teachers to go in to school to get to count it as one of their days.  I want us to protect our opportunity to be able to count the SLED day as a work day for us.  Therefore, it is important that we not be out in the community, shopping, or posting things on social media (that are not school related) during regular school hours.
4.  Upon return collect all student work.  Students who have not completed the work will need to do so at school within a couple of days. Our goal is 100% participation!
5.  Print out and turn in hard copies of the SLED Day Collection sheets.  

Homecoming Week 2019
Spirit Days
Tuesday - Make Yourself at Home (pjs/comfy clothes)
Wednesday - Home Run (sports clothing)
Thursday - Homies Day (match with your friends)
Friday - There's No Place Like Home (House shirts) 

*CCHS basketball homecoming will be on Saturday at 3 pm.  Encourage students to come support CCHS.  

*CPA testing continues - MAP testing begins for select grades*
Next Week at a Glance...
Wednesday - Action Team meeting at 3 pm
Friday - House meeting on Friday morning - link is on Living Calendar
Book Fair begins on Friday!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday Focus - January 11th, 2019

I wanted to share with you some findings from our lock-down on Thursday.  First of all, I am so impressed with how quickly everyone springs into action and things become quiet.  Within seconds, someone would think that there are no children in the building.  I know you have practiced this with your students a great deal and it shows.  All doors were locked and students were not visible.  Again - good job.  

Areas that we are going to keep working to improve:
1.  Barricading our doors - some teachers did barricade their doors and we were impressed with that!  We will be coming around in the next few days to have discussions with each teacher about what would be best to use to barricade the door with and where it should be located in the room.  
2.  Ready to fight - again - some teachers had some type of object or a plan in mind of how they would fight the intruder once they entered the room.  Do you have a plan?
3.  Download Google Chat if you have not already done so on your phone.  
4.  If you do not have students in your room when a lock-down is called and it is safe to do so - please come down to office to assist.  

The staff leadership  team met on Wednesday and I wanted to give you a brief run-down of what we discussed.

1.  Family Learning Night will be on January 31st from 4-6.  The main focus of this night will be our student-led conferences in their homeroom.
     Michelle Bell will have a room for pre-k students.  
     Kindergarten classes are going to focus on AR for their           conferences. Parents will read a book with their child and       take an AR test here at school so they will be familiar with       the process.  
     First grade students are going to share with their parents       about Lexia, DreamBox and Reflex math progress. 
     Second thru fifth grade classes will be sharing their                 leadership  notebooks.  
The book fair will be in the library and Angela is going to have Panther Emporium set up as well.  
We may do a photo opp with a friendly dinosaur for students and families.
Pizza, drinks and cookies in the cafeteria.  

2.  January House meeting on the morning of 1/25.  It will be a regular breakfast house meeting and will be over by 8:30.  The focus this month is on ambition.  Google slides with the plan for the meeting will be posted to the Living Calendar.

3.  We decided not to do another One School One Book project this spring but make big plans for next fall.

4.  Action team meetings will be held on January 23rd at 3:00 pm in the library.

~It's CPA Time Again~

Many grades will be beginning the 2nd round of CPA testing next week.  Here are just a few reminders about CPA testing and the purpose of it.
1.  CPA's should only cover content and skills that the students have been taught.  No new material.
2.  Round 2 CPA's should spiral and go back to review some content from the first round.
3.  CPA's should be done under a testing situation.  Exceptional education students and 504 students should receive accommodations like they would on the KPREP.
4.  USE THE DATA from the CPA's - that is the only way to make it a good use of our time.

Remember to do your #observeme observation this month.  If there is a class you want to observe that is outside your planning time - let me know and we will cover for you.  It's all about your learning!

21st Century for the Spring Semester begins next week!

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - 1:30 Jr Beta Showcase in the gym 
                 4:00 SBDM meeting
Tuesday - KONA Ice Day
Wednesday - Jr. Beta leaves for state meeting

Good luck to our Jr. Beta students!  Bring home the hardware!

Last reminder - Bathroom Spruce-Up project on the long five-day weekend.  Judging will be held on Tuesday morning!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday Focus - January 4th, 2019th

Bathroom Spruce-Up Project

We are planning to update the look of our student bathrooms again the weekend of January 17th - 21st.  
1. You can find our teams here.  
2. You will have the five day weekend to complete your bathroom - all bathrooms must be finished by Tuesday morning, January 22nd.  3. Each team will have a $100 budget to spend.  You can spend this money at Browns, Dollar Store, Walmart or Amazon.  If you think of somewhere else that you would like to purchase from - let me know.  
4.  Purchase orders must be completed BEFORE you make the purchase.  
5.  If you are ordering from Amazon - those orders need to be submitted to Sonya by Tuesday (1/8) afternoon at 3:00.  Please check the shipping date so you know it will get here on time.
6.  You can stay with the same theme for the bathroom or completely redesign - it is up to your team.
7.  Bathrooms will be judged on Tuesday the 22nd.
8.  Winning team will receive lunch downtown and an afternoon off work!  
9.  This is a surprise for our kids - we want to reveal on the morning of the 22nd!

*No 21st Century this week.
**9 weeks Awards at assembly next week - make sure to check Living Calendar.
***Please bring a laptop, chromebook or ipad to PLC's next week to access MAP data.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - 
Tuesday  - Sam's Club rep will be here to meet with teacher's on their planning
Wednesday  - CALEB FARLEE DAY  - parade on 1st floor immediately following morning assembly
-3:00 Leadership Team meeting
Friday - MACEY POINDEXTER DAY - parade on 1st floor immediately following morning assembly 
-4th grade Math Live Scoring

Have a great week!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...