Just a reminder that student supervision is key these last few days. We will spend a lot of time outside and doing fun activities. Remember to circulate and know what students are doing. Students need structured activities during this time too - not just free play. Large amounts of unstructured time leads to behavior problems.
You are invited to the kindergarten and 5th grade graduations on Monday at 5 and Tuesday at 6. We would like for all staff to be at the 5th grade graduation if they can be.
Reminder to teachers to have students make posters for the Senior Walk on Tuesday.
Check with Valerie or myself on planning and PD hours.
Retention Sheets - please fill this out for your grade level.
Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - House Olympics Day
SBDM Meeting at 4 pm
Kindergarten Graduation - 5 pm
Tuesday - 8:00 Senior Walk
Schedule for the Day
5th grade graduation - 6 pm
2 pm - Mr. Irby Dedication
Wednesday - Last Day of School
5th grade Picnic