Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Focus - January 26, 2018

Finally - our first full week since before Christmas!  I know that is has been a huge task getting all of the SLED work for 6 days but I hope that has been accomplished.  Please turn in your paperwork to me by the end of the day.  The questions from the book study should be emailed to me and the two data forms for each need to be put in the folder on my back table.  I have to turn those in to the central office.

With the Marshall County tragedy, I can not reinforce how important it is to keep your doors locked at all times.  Students being behind locked doors is one of the best things we can do to protect our kids.  

Below is a video I would like you to take the time to watch.  It is excellent. We are going to be trained more on the Run, Hide, Fight model but this video is great.

Surviving a School Shooting

Monday our Leader in Me coach Tara Beasley will be here.  We will be on normal schedule. 

Also - no Panther Time next week due to Beta Convention and so many people being out of the building.

Beta Convention will stretch us thin next week.  Fifth grade will be reduced down to two classrooms as well as fourth grade.  All other teachers that are missing has subs - as of right now.  Please keep in mind though that this is two instructional days that we have gained back.  They are so important!  Use those days as best you can even though we may be out of pocket a little.

With our Wizards money we have purchased a Chrome cart and TV.  We will have this TV in the cafeteria playing each day during lunch and then out in the front hallway playing the rest of the time. 

I have created a SLIDESHOW that all staff can contribute to.  You can put in slides as reminders to students, share pictures of things in your class, add motivational quotes, etc.  We all have access to this and can work together to keep it updated.  Here is the link to the SLIDESHOW. You remove the slides as you need to as well.  I would like all teachers to contribute but the first 5 teachers to insert a slide and contact me will win a $10 gift certificate to the Book Fair!


Next week at a glance...
Monday - LIM Coaching Day with Tara
Tuesday - Shine Brighter Day
Wednesday - Jr. Beta leaves for state meeting
                  MID-TERM ENDS
Thursday - grades need to be entered by the end of the day
Friday - Beta returns at the end of the day

****District staff will be in the building on February 7th for microslicing.  This are just five minute observations to help us improve! 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Friday Focus - January 19th

Hopefully all the sickness is gone after this long break.  I hope you and your family are healthy and have been able to enjoy the snow.    We have now used SLED days 2-6 (as of Thursday the 16th) - please remember to submit your responses to the questions associated with each days' reading of What Great Teachers Do Differently.  

Also please ensure that you are gathering student SLED work upon our return and having students complete that who haven't already done so.  Please keep all work as we may be asked to turn that in as documentation.  

Please check the Living Calendar - several updates due to rescheduling.  

Also - remember to make a list of students who completed the Panther Snow Day Challenge on Wednesday the 15th.  These students should have 60 minutes on Lexia and completed 12 units on that particular day are eligible for the snow cone.    

You will notice some new faces hanging around our building at morning assembly beginning next week.  We have unofficially named this group "Pa Patrol."  There are a group of men (dads and grandpas) who have volunteered to come to morning assembly one day a week to be an extra set of eyes and ears and help ensure our safety during this time.  Many of them are law enforcement officers as well.  I wanted you to be aware of why these people were here and if you have the opportunity - thank them for volunteering.  

I understand that CPA week was disrupted.  Please try to finish CPA 2 as quickly as you can when we return.  When graded, please enter the CPA data into the Data Tracker.  

CPA data should give us a clear picture of content that we have covered that students haven't mastered.  Using this information is a great tool to help us go back and reteach those things that students still need.  In this aspect, CPA data is more beneficial than MAP data because it is only on content you have already taught.   Both assessments are useful and help us make instructional decisions.  But using the data is critical.  We will be discussing CPA results at upcoming PLC's.  

****We will not have Panther Time/PLC's next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will have them on Thursday and Friday to finish 4th and 5th grade from last week.  This will put us one week behind.  We do not have Panther Time scheduled for the week of 1/29 - Beta week.  We will have the Spring Panther Time spreadsheet updated in a few days.  

Also - here are the updated student recognitions beginning next week at morning assembly.  

Next Week at a Glance...
Monday - Sam's Club rep will be here until 1:45. 
Tuesday  - Shine Brighter Day
                  3:00 Action Team meeting
                  *Deadline for Job Applications
Wednesday - Shine Brighter Day
                    3:00 Stephanie Glidewell's baby shower
Thursday - Shine Brighter Day
                    3:00 Meet to hire school wide jobs 
Friday - Shine Brighter Day
              Baked Potato Bar  - more details to come

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday Focus - January 5th

2018 is here and we have started on the 2nd semester.  Now is the time to kick in the next gear and get the most out of every day.  I will try to limit interruptions to your class as much as I can.  Keep up the good work - STAR scores and MAP scores indicate that we are at a better place than we have ever been before at the mid-year point.  That's to be celebrated!  But don't give up - keep pushing students to be their best and learn all they can.

Family Learning Night is just over a month away - February 8th.  We will be doing student-led conferences that night using the Leadership Notebooks so please make sure that those are in order and students are using those.  Also remember those items that were discussed last month at the Action Team meeting - such as teaching the habits, leadership roles, etc. and what your grade level committed to do.   

Next week at PLC's we will be doing our 6 week RTI meetings so please bring all student data.  Jani, Tammy, Sharon and Angela - please plan to come to the meetings of all grade levels you work with next week.  

Please send me nominations for Leader of the Month for December by Wednesday, January 10th.  

2nd round of CPA testing next week!

Next Week at a Glance....
Monday - SBDM meeting at 4pm
                Kidz Klub meeting at 5 pm
                Shine Brighter Day
Wednesday - 3:00 Lighthouse Team meeting
                Shine Brighter Day
Friday - Go 365 Health Screenings
              Shine Brighter Day

Have a great week!!!!!

  MONDAY Tomorrow the Panther Store will be open in the library from 8-2:30. We are not going to make a schedule - just come as you have tim...